February 27, 2024 – Sometimes the truth is hidden under lies and deception. Let’s pull back the layers and discover truth!

February 22, 2024 – Sometimes in life we reach the end of ourselves, 我们需要比我们自身更强大的力量来帮助我们渡过难关. Pastor Zo offers a solution to times like these. 

February 20, 2024 -波特兰国际父之家的使徒Victor Alvarizares的自由流动敬拜和强有力的话语….我们需要从信徒转变为门徒……强大!!! 

February 15, 2024Before Pastor Zo shares, WPU学生Daisci Burrows分享了她对信仰之旅的见证. 邹牧师还分享了如何从“穷到富”的转变,以最大限度地发挥你的潜力. 

February 13, 2024 The presence of the Lord was so 很明显 during our free flow worship! 邹牧师鼓励大家要小心,不要被“愚人金”所欺骗”. We also experienced the 拳头 baby dedication in the history of Warner Pacific University. What a highlight for time together!!! Students also responded to God’s love during this time. There is nothing like the real thing!!!

February 8, 2024为了获得“成功”,你必须相信这个过程,这个过程使你得到发展和成熟,使你能够处理你想要的目的地的要求。 

February 6, 2024 很多时候,我们错过了机会,寻找壮观的…….You have been equipped with seed now you must cultivate it… 

February 1, 2024 – Pastor Zo gives sobering advice ab出 managing the gifts, relationships and responsibilities that have given to us. 领导需要对长期、可持续的成功负责. 

January 30, 2024 -使徒维克多挑战我们要更深入地挖掘与神有意义的关系,以发现他对我们生活的旨意. If you don’t know who you are, 然后其他人会为你创造一个故事,让你遵循,从而损害你自己. The Word of God is final authority in every aspect of life.

January 23, 2024 - Zo牧师鼓励WPU家庭离开他们的责任比他们发现的更好……每个人内心都有一种目标的力量,它会改变一个家庭的氛围, workplace and community even when you are gone.



Previous years


November 14, 2023 -生活总有办法打击我们,使我们的生活彻底动摇, however when the dust settles our foundation is revealed. 邹牧师鼓励所有人信靠主,让他的能力在我们的软弱中得以完全.

November 9, 2023 -在自由流动敬拜之后,左牧师提醒我们,神给了我们每个人一个意志,不仅要反映生活给我们的东西,还要调整和使用神赐给我们的能力来改变和改变环境. Thermometers only accepts what is. Thermostats use what is to change the environment. There is a difference!

November 2, 2023 有时候我们会觉得自己被生活的环境所掩埋,但如果你是被种植的呢? Christine Caine talked ab出 this in a quote. Pastor Zo helps us to raise our level of thinking. 上帝的方式总是高于我们的方式,如果我们同意他的方式,他会祝福我们.

October 31, 2023 – Sometimes life requires us to make adjustments. 通过实际应用,邹牧师带我们了解篮球的基本原理,以及它如何与生活经验相对应. “支点”的定义允许在不偏离基础/原则的情况下移动.

October 26, 2023 – Adam Moore is the Director of the Portland Union Gospel 任务. 他分享了他们的愿景和他对宣教工作的热情. 我们也听到了这个组织如何改变了人们的生活.

October 24, 2023 -邹牧师鼓励挑战生明白他们真正的呼召. 当我们出于错误的原因做出选择时,我们最终往往不会得到满足. Despite of past mistakes God will give us beauty for ashes.

October 19, 2023 -使徒Victor Alvarizares与学生分享他的个人见证,并鼓励他们在追求目标时相信上帝.

October 17, 2023 WPU学生Denise Rendon分享她与基督同行的个人见证.

October 12, 2023 – WPU Basketball Player Tierra Hicks share her testimony of hurt, confusion, 疼痛, abuse and triumph through Jesus Christ. Her story is remarkable!

October 10, 2023 -俄勒冈州波特兰市国际父之家的使徒Victor Alvarizares与我们的学生分享他的个人见证. 他解释了上帝的爱是如何强大到足以给你第二次生命的机会.

September 28, 2023 – After Free Flow Worship Pastor Zo challenges students. 为了在新的赛季中蓬勃发展,你必须摆脱那些限制你效率的旧思维方式.

September 26, 2023 -使徒Victor Alvarizares是俄勒冈州波特兰市国际神父之家的牧师. He encourages students be mindful of intentional growth. This is should be a priority to experience fulfillment in life.

September 21, 2023 -邹牧师挑战学生去追求那些可能会让你离开舒适区的事情. It will require faith. God is with us on our journey.

September 19, 2023 WPU学生Richie Bailey分享了他的个人见证,讲述了他的信仰之旅,以及他与耶稣的关系如何帮助他度过了一些艰难的时刻.

September 14, 2023 – Professor LaToya Seawood is a professor is our Business Division. 她分享了自己的个人故事,讲述了她如何在职业生涯中走出自己的信念. 信仰和事业的交集是一个非常强大的方面,因为它支配着原则, character, 正直和许多无形的东西,即使在不稳定的工作环境中也能保持稳定.

September 12, 2023 -邹牧师提醒我们,错误和失败是生活的一部分,但不要让恐惧和尴尬阻止你重新站起来,再次尝试. We learn from the past but we should not live in the past.

September 7, 2023 – WPU’s own JuJu Williams serves as Student Chaplain, President of the SGA and is also a volleyball player. 她分享了她个人的见证,亚博体育上帝如何让她看到她的家庭奇迹般的转变. She also speaks of the power of forgiveness and redemption.

September 5, 2023WPU President Dr. Brian Johnson speaks to students ab出 Career and Calling. 对于我们的学生来说,听到他的一些个人经历是一种祝福,他是第一代大学毕业生,出身贫寒,环境并不理想. 他也分享了他对耶稣的信心如何支持他完成显明的工作.

August 31, 2023 ——邹牧师提醒学生,你在旅途中成为什么样的人,比你得到什么更重要. 当你的性格得到发展时,它会使你有能力承担升职的责任.

August 29, 2023 -自由流动敬拜…音乐是如此鼓舞人心,学生们都上来祷告,重新把自己奉献给神对他们生命的旨意.

August 24, 2023 – Pastor Zo asks, ”What is the story behind the glory?” The path to the prize is always greater than the prize itself! 他回顾了大卫和歌利亚的故事,以及从中可以汲取的人生教训.